Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Gymnasium

As I mentioned in the previous post, my first two weeks are in the gymnasium.  Just to give you an idea of what this really means I took a few pictures of the gym before patients arrived one morning.  Bear in mind that usually most of the beds that you see are full and each person arrives with at least one (usually 2 or 3) family member.  Things are really crowded and there are people everywhere!

Another view of the gymnasium

Pediatrics Area
Parallel bars in the pediatrics area

In the pediatrics area I have counted up to 8 pediatric and 1 adult patients using the 2 mats, 2 patients at the parallel bars, and 2 walking with walkers or crutches all at one time.  (And remember that they aren't allowed to come to therapy without at least one family member to help them!)

Besides the crowding and the family presence in therapy, one big difference I have noticed working in pediatrics is that the children perform exercises much like adults.  They are told to do a certain number of each exercise and expected to do them.  I have only seen two toys in the entire pediatrics area.  Many of the children are there 4+ hours each day because the parents are given over 20 exercises that their children are to complete.  I can't believe how well the children do each day given how their therapy is approached!

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