Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bad Blogger

So I've clearly been a bad blogger, and now, to add insult to injury, I'm having technical difficulties!  As of a few days ago my laptop will no longer charge.  I noticed that my battery was getting low so I went to plug it in, and it wouldn't charge.  Because it was already on, I know that the computer itself is theoretically okay.  Hopefully it's just the cord or my outlet adapter!  Anyways, back to the catch up game!

January 6

I woke up in the morning feeling a little stuffy with a sore throat.  I was pretty antsy, and I started taking some Emergen-C just in case.  Thankfully, it ended up just being my allergies stirred up from all of the dust.

In the clinic I was able to watch a therapist named Arivarason do a few assessments, which was at least better than the last few days have been.  Even though he was speaking to the families in Tamil, I was able to learn some from watching and was even able to help a little bit.  At lunch, the family that I was working with that speaks English really well took me out for juice.  I was kind of antsy about it, but they were so sweet about making sure that there was no water or ice in it that I didn't feel like I could turn it down.  Thankfully, I didn't get sick!  And, because I had mentioned being stuffy from my allergies, the mother went and bought me some tissue.  The tissues were actually perfumed, which seems like an awful idea for allergies, but they get the job done!  In the afternoon I was supposed to go to the hemophilia clinic, but no one came to pick me up, so I just ended up staying in the gymnaseum.

The college was having a research symposium on campus, so they brought in performers to put on a "play" for all of the visitors.  It was basically a narrative of the history of classical Indian music with musical interludes.  It was pretty interesting, but between not feeling well and the rhythmical music, it made me really tired.  Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera yet again, so no pictures.  (Hopefully someone will post some on facebook that I can steal!)

Hopefully I will have time to get at least one more post in today, but it's Republic Day and there's a carnival on campus that we're heading over to check out.  I am trying to keep a pretty detailed journal for myself as well, so at least I can just pull information from there as I try to get caught up!

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